The Heinrich Böll Foundation has formed the Network of Civil Society Organizations of the Northern Triangle of Central America, as a space for analysis, reflection and contribution among organizations in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, with specialized knowledge on the issue of violence and insecurity in the region. The book "Re-conceptualization of violence in the Northern […]
5 décembre 2016 / 14h30 - 16h Centre International de Conférence Abdou Diouf / Salle Space Keynotes Cet évènement est organisé par Interpeace et International Crisis Group (Crisis Group) à l'occasion du Forum Internatio-nal de Dakar sur la Paix et la Sécurité en Afrique, en partena-riat avec le Ministère français des affaires étrangères et du […]
Ideology or unemployment can't explain young people's engagement in new forms of violence. Unlike widely accepted ideas, Interpeace research shows these elements to be largely incidental. Generally analyzed through the lenses of Radicalization or Violent Extremism, dynamics of young people engagement in new forms of violence is the focus of growing international scrutiny, especially in […]